Words i accumulated or invented so far

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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Bosyx » 06 May 2016 18:38

Jate, birov vor'e!

I'm using Mando'a for a character in an upcoming tabletop game and your work will be most helpful.

Once I go through the most recent Excel file I will come back with more feedback.

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 06 Sep 2016 16:11

cyaryc [ SHAH-reesh ] - beloved, loved, popular (adjective)
dos'la [ DOS-lah ] - crossing, intersecting (adjective)
got'alor [ GOHT-ah-lohr ] - director, head of production or factory, CEO (noun)
haa'tayc [ hah-TIESH ] - sharp eyed (adjective)
hett'la [ HEHT-lah ] - burned; cooked (adjective)
hoy [ hoy ] - wakefulness, vigilance (noun)
hoyc [ hoysh ] - awake, not sleeping, vigilant (adjective)
hut [ hoot ] - cowardice (noun)
hutyc [ HOOT-eesh ] - cowardly, faint-hearted (adjective)
jar'sheb [ JAHR-sheb ] - dumbass, someone who's stupid enough to get in fights he's bound loose or get his "ass kicked" (noun)
kar'aray [ kah-RAH-ray ] - remorse, repentance (noun)
kar'galan [ kahr-gah-LAHN ] - mercy, clemency (noun)
kar'la [ KAHR-lah ] - warm-hearted, cincere (adjective)
pareyc [ pah-RAY-eesh ] - patient, able to wait (adjective)
sur'eyir [ soor-ay-EER ] - seek, look for, search (verb)
urcye [ OOR-say ] - meeting, encounter, get-together (noun)
mayust [ MAH-yoost ] - however, although, nevertheless, anyway (adverb)
Ke'duum … [ keh-DOOM ] - Let … (us/me/him do something), lets … (Phrase)
kadiil [ KAH-deel ] - breach, gap, hole (in the ship when being boarded) (noun)
tala [ TAH-lah ] - bloody, bloodstained, bloodied (adjective)
jat'ad [ jah-TAHD ] - good boy/girl (name of affection or praise) (noun)
eparav [ eh-pah-RAHV ] - banquet, dinner party, feast (noun)

engle'a [ ehn-GLEH-ah ] - english language (noun)
germ'a [ GEHR-mah ] - german language (noun)
itali'a [ ee-TAH-lee-ah ] - italian language (noun)
spani'a [ SPAH-nee-ah ] - spanish language (noun)
russ'a [ ROOS-ah ] - russian language (noun)
frank'a [ FRAHN-kah ] - french language (noun)

engla [ EHN-glah ] - english (adjective)
germala [ gehr-MAH-lah ] - german (adjective)
ital'yc [ ee-TAH-leesh ] - italian (adjective)
span'yc [ SPAH-neesh ] - spanish (adjective)
russ'yc [ ROOS-eesh ] - russian (adjective)
frank'yc [ FRAHN-keesh ] - french (adjective)
amer'yc [ ah-MEH-reesh ] - american (adjective)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 08 Sep 2016 10:17

ostralyc [ost-RAL-eesh] - Australian (adjective) :)
When I get a moment I'll go hunt down the (paltry few) words I've coined for the Bible project and stick them over here as well.
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 13 Sep 2016 07:22

ujettipurg [uj-ETT-ee-purg] Incense/perfume
da'yam [DA-yam] outside
vo'gedetir [vo-ge-DET-eer] pray
miitra'jorur be kara [MEET-ra-jor-ur be KA-ra] angel (lit. messenger of the stars)
mav'dinuiyc [MAV-dinu-eesh] Favor in Biblical sense, 'free-giving-ness', 'to look with favor upon'
ke'gyce'la [ke-GEESH-la] throne
miit-pitat'kurs [MEET-pitatkurs] legalese, confusion ('word-jungle')
miit'daynir [MEET-day-neer] proclaim, exclaim, announce
solbe'an [sol-be-AN] among
ru'jorte'yaiir [ru-jor-teh-YAH-eer] born

Thanks for publishing all the words, Tal'jair!
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 04 Oct 2016 09:22

aad [ ah-AHD ] - offspring, spawn, breed, progeny (sometimes disdainful if used with other words. Example: dalgaan'aad - bastard, son of a whore) (noun)
da'yam [ dah-YAHM ] - outside, out on the street (preposition)
dinuir evaar'miite [ DEE-noo-EER ee-VAR-meet-AY ] - proclaim, exclaim, announce (lit. "give news") (verb)
dinu'yc [ dee-NOO-eesh ] - generous, open-handed (adjective)
miit'jorur [ meet-JOH-roor ] - messenger (lit. "bearer of word") (noun)
miit'jorur teh Ka'ra [ meet-JOH-roor tay KAH-rah ] - angel (lit. "messenger from the stars") (noun)
miit'kurs [ meet-KOORS ] - legalese, confusion (lit. "word forest") (noun)
so'haalir [ soh-hah-LEER ] - be born (lit. "take first breath") (verb)
ujapirun [ oo-jah-PEER-un ] - incense, perfume (lit. "sugar water") (noun)
urman'gedetir [ oor-MAHN-geh-deh-TEER ] - pray (verb)

Belandrie, I’ve changed some of your words to make them correspond a little better with the rest of the vocabulary, hope it’s not offending.

And about some of the words I have doubt.
1. “ke'gyce'la – throne”. Throne is, as a concept, a seat on which a king sits. But mandalorians don’t have a king. Mand’alor is a ruler, but it’s not the same as king, more like a war general. And many times mandos lived without one. And knowing their detesting of the formalities, setting up a special throne for Mand’alor would look pretty aruetyc, don’t you think?
And one more thing. The way you spelled out your word for “throne” – it reads as an adjective, not a noun. I’d read it as “commanding”.
2. “miit’daynir – proclaim, exclaim, announce”. “daynir” is more likely means the verb “exit”. So “word-exit”, “word-escape”? Im not sure it really corresponds with “announce”. When you announce something, you “give news”. So I think it’s best to say just that.
3. “ru’jorte’yaiir – born”. Did you mean it as a verb in past tense? Then I think it should be present tense for the vocabulary. So it’s “to be born”. In fact, I couldn’t work out how you come up with “jorte’yaiir”. “carry out of the womb”? But that’s “to give birth” or even “accouche”, not “be born”. And we already have “give birth” – gotenir, from Kar’buir herself. So for “to be born” I come up with a simpler-to-say word, and maybe a little poetic. “Take first breath” or “Breathe first time”.
4. “among”. We really need that word? I think for simplicity we can add that meaning to the word “or” which already translates as “inside, in the middle of”. So if you literally say “or adate – in the middle of the people”, it could easily be translated as “among people”.

I could explain the rest of the changes, when I have time and then we can have a proper miit’akaan :)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 04 Oct 2016 18:03

Shab, I really need to catch up on what's been going on with this...

I blame college and marriage, you run out of free time fast
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 07 Oct 2016 06:17

Aw, ori'vor'e, Tal'jair!

I'm concerned that you felt the need to add urman to gedetir, since I understood Mandalorian culture had some concept of deity, and it's not a word you'd use to refer to person-to-person communication, but I can see why you've done it.

I'm glad some of the words are okay - it might help if I explained my reasoning for the others?

1. Trying to translate concept as well as literal words - 'ruling place' to an ancient Hebrew would connote throne or king's palace. 'Ruling place' to a Mando would more than likely connote a command center, but I wasn't keen on using kov'yam in that context, mainly because I can't find to what the kov- root refers.
Osik, what did I actually say - oh, found it - missed a bit when I was moving the words across to this list, it was supposed to be ke'gyce'la taap.

2. I was working based on the fact that daynir as 'exit' or 'to go out', a verb, was your development, and dayn as 'out' was originally Kar'buir's and therefore, if you'll pardon the expression, 'Level-One Canon'. Also you can proclaim things that are definitely not news. In the context for which I coined the word, it's a sort of half-shout, when you want to be heard quite a long way away, but still be talking rather than yelling. Pretty much exactly what actors do in theaters where there aren't microphones. Projecting.

3. Trying to maintain some analogy with English - since the copaani/ni copar debate Vlet and Ruus have been having over on the other thread I'm reconsidering the prudence of that. Born is one of those silly words that doesn't have an intrinsic part, so it's used as a participle by default. Using the ru'- prefix was a hangover from that, but it doesn't need to be there. (Combination of jorir + teh + yai + verbal suffix -ir. Cut the suffix off jorir because you don't need to say twice that it's a verb, but you're right, it does rather open it up to confusion with jor.) Trouble I have with your 'poetic' method is that there are quite a few places - in regular conversation as well as the Bible - where saying a baby 'drew first breath' would seem, at best, a horribly cruel irony.

4. Oh! I didn't think of that. However: say someone gets mislaid in the middle of a city. Do you say he is o'r kar'yaie, and if so, do you mean 'in one of the houses' or 'somewhere among the houses' i.e. still on the street, and how would your listeners tell?
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 12 Oct 2016 08:45

1. Well, now it makes a lot more sense, vod. Kov’yam literally translates as “head building”, kovid being word for “head”. I believe that’s pretty enough and easier to say than ke’gyce’la taap. But what you are proposing is not exactly a word, but a phrase, a combination. And you’re free to do that however you really want, even without including this particular combination in the vocabulary, since its meaning is clear.

2. You’re right, it’s not always yelling and not always news. But I think “escape” isn’t the best word for it still. You may go with miite’dinuir, which would translate as “give speech”. That’s as close to “proclaim” as it gets in my opinion. The definite meaning of this or that word is defined by the context, as in any other language. Remember, mando’a isn’t the language of academics, it belongs to savage hunter nation :)

3. Thought for loooong time about how can my word sound as “horribly cruel irony” – couldn’t think of one. Could you give an example?

4. I’d like to point out that there’s two prepositions you seem to mix up. o’r – level-one canon as you put it, meaning “in”. or – not-yet canon, something I made, meaning “inside, in the middle of”. Let me give you few examples.
Or yam – in a house, inside of a building
Or yame – among houses (since you can’t be inside multiple buildings).
O’r oriya – in the city, as in “he’s in town”, meaning he’s somewhere in this city, present.
Or oriya – in the middle of the city. There you can add verb “lost” and there you go.
I know, the difference isn’t heard when spoken, so you’ll have to rely on context. But it’s a young language (in real life), give it a few centuries to grow and shape up :)
And thanks, found out we need a word for “lose, misplace”.

noy'ganar [ noy-gahn-AHR ] - lose, misplace (verb)
noy' [ noy ] - verb prefix with meaning of "undo", same as english "un-" or "dis-". Example: gotal'ur - create, make; noy'gotal'ur - unmake, dismantle. (suffix/prefix)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 12 Oct 2016 23:26

1. Cool, good to know.
2. I prefer miite'dinuir on the whole, if only because 'escape' tends to carry connotations of secrecy, which is sort of the opposite of what the new word means.
3. Bluntly, because not all babies are born alive. Yes, birth usually involves a live baby, but technically 'born' just means that the body (alive or dead) of the child is no longer inside the body of the mother. Referring to a stillborn baby as having 'been born', using the poetic term that actually means 'taken first breath'... you get me.
4. Oh, I see. Fair enough. I suppose I'd assumed one or the other was a typo, as I couldn't see the difference. That makes sense now.

Also I like your 'lost'.
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 13 Oct 2016 16:02

Gar ik'aad r’olaro n’oyayc. Ni trikari.
Your baby came out still (dead). I’m sorry.

N’oyayc would mean “not living”, but won’t mean “killed” like kyrayc. Will that do?

caburyc [ KAH-boo-reesh ] - favoring, protective, patronizing, "looking with favor upon" (adjective)
n'oyayc [ noy-AYSH ] - dead, still (not killed, refers to a body as a fact, for example about a stillborn baby or a dead tree or animal) (adjective)
Last edited by Tal’jair Rusk on 14 Oct 2016 08:48, edited 1 time in total.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 14 Oct 2016 06:47

That would do the trick - setting 'tighter' limits on the definition of born.
I'm not sure how you're getting 'favor' out of a literal meaning of 'guardian-like' or 'protective' - depending on which definition of cabur one happens to be using - care to elaborate?
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 14 Oct 2016 08:45

Well, i wanted to ask you in what sense you are using "favouring". I understand that its from the Bible project, but you must understand that the mandalirian culture aint anywhere near to what the Bible is describing. So i was thinking about what could be seen as favouring in mando society. I dont see in their nature just giving one another favours or expecting them from God. They rely on their own strengths and wits. So what could it be? Father protective of his son. Captain taking a young recruit under his patronage. Hence the word.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 14 Oct 2016 09:13

Coined for the Bible project, yeah. Thing is, it's a concept we use fairly often in everyday English, just usually in a more roundabout way and without really noticing - likesay your boss is really impressed with you, not necessarily because you're brilliant or deserving, they've just taken an illogical shine to you as humans tend to. They 'look with favor upon you' as it were.
It's not giving concrete favors, it's abstract - approval, approbation, esteem, and commendation are the first synonyms my thesaurus is giving.
And there has to be some form of altruism even in Mando culture, otherwise it's not a culture, it's worse than pack animals.
TL;DR: favor in the sense for which I coined mav'dinuyc doesn't mean a favor.
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 15 Oct 2016 13:26

bu'yc - from the word buir. You can use that for the situations you described. Illogical "shine to" a person, cause a father cant logically explain why he adores his son, he just does, no matter if he succeds or fails.
I think both words deserve living.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 28 Oct 2016 10:58

kil'yc [ kee-LEESH ] - some, a little, a bit (amount) (adverb)
meshakaar [ may-shah-KAHR ] - pirate (lit. "space robber". Wordplay, a combination of 'mese' and 'chakaar', but when combined produce the 'sh' between them, which makes the word relative with 'mesh' and stops being an insult, but instead becoming a "noble profession") (noun)
meshakur [ may-shah-KOOR ] - pirate, plunder (mostly referring to space pirating) (verb)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 23 Nov 2016 15:09

kyrir [ kee-REER ] - finish, be done with (verb)
jah'yam [ JUH-yahm ] - hospital, medcenter (noun)
troan'gemas [ trohn-gey-MAHS ] - face hair, beard (noun)
yogir [ yoh-GEER ] - start, begin (verb)
haai'pirun [ hai-PEER-un ] - tear (lit. "eye water") (noun)
tranar [ TRAH-nahr ] - illumination, light effects, lighting (artificial only) (noun)
yustranar [ yoos-TRAH-nahr ] - street light, traffic light (noun)
nuhoy'kut [ noo-hoy-KOOT ] - blanket, bedclothes, linens (noun)
agol'la [ AH-gohl-lah ] - muscular, brawny (adjective)
ruusala [ roo-SAH-lah ] - trusting, trustful, gullible, credulous (adjective)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 08 Jan 2017 08:51

I need a non-sarcastic 'holy' for the Bible project.

I'm using cin'petiryc, 'pure-centered', rather than the Biblical sense of 'set apart', because that's how 'holy' is mostly used, and if I need 'set apart' I can say that in Mando'a straight.
Not 'pure-hearted' because it's possible for an inanimate object to be holy and we don't have a word for 'essence' yet.

If anyone's got anything better, hit me, I'm not totally happy with cin'petiryc but it's the best I can do.
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 08 Jan 2017 09:43

From components g' + yaihi'l + kayst, g'yail'kayc, artificially full of oneself. It appeals to me because of the pun on kaysh. (The 'hi' in yaihi'l vanishes when you test-drive the full new word, so I took it out in the written form as well.)
Proud as a noun 'the proud', 'people' implied, I'm using g'yail'kayst.
Slightly different from arrogant, we haven't got one of those either, I'll get to it when I need it.
(Taljair, feel free to rip these to shreds if they need it; I'd hope you would anyway, but just in case you follow vampirical etiquette.)
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 22 Jan 2017 20:06

Im not ripping someone else's work to shreds, vod'ika. Im just voicing opinion. Didnt mean to insult anyone. And im not some kind of mando'a oracle, thats Kar'buir)) all im trying to do is connect words logically and in accord with the culture Kar'buir created (not the new canon osik). Then i share it and hope for some feedback that rarely comes sadly.
If you want, ill think on your words little later. In other case, n'eparavu takisit.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Belandrie Meave
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Re: Words i accumulated or invented so far

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 23 Jan 2017 19:36

Osik, sorry. I get lost in translation in English sometimes, let alone Mando'a. I wasn't remotely offended - local dialect just leans strongly toward dysphemism in casual settings.
Okay, if it helps, here goes nothing:
  • I'm not seeing where the suffix on your 'tranar' comes from - presumably it's a relative of the -ur suffix to denote the one who does the thing, but I can't find it in the lexicon.
    'ruusala' contributes somewhat to a problem I've noticed a lot while doing the translations - 'trusting' doesn't necessarily mean 'gullible', but when you have both meanings stuck in one word it makes it harder to discuss positive forms of trust. All the other words built on the ruus- root, particularly Kar'buir's ones, seem to use it in the context of deserved trust, which gullibility is not. Possibly we could make 'ruusala' mean just 'trusting or trustful' and find or coin a word to denote 'unwise' to use as a modifier and form a concept of gullibility. I'll think on that today and see what I come up with.
    'Yustranar' is rather clever, well done.
    How does one pronounce 'agol'la'? Double-voice the l or elide them? I personally would be tempted to drop the l of 'agol', but that's just me.
    If 'nuhoy'kut' is taken as bedding (though it could equally mean pajamas) then I gather 'di'kut' (doing some forensic linguistics based on your separation of kut as a root) is 'cut from lunatic cloth', as an extreme contraction of 'dinii kut'. Are we thinking along the same lines there?
I'm not sure when I last remembered to sleep, so I could well be talking out the side of my head. But if it helps and if you don't mind a newer recruit poking at your words, I'm happy to keep going.
Duumir cuy haat acyk gar kar'ta bal haa Dral. An ashi dar'cuy. - Surenit Kli'qiy

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