Mando'ade Games

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Mando'ade Games

Unread post by Mittramikad » 05 Mar 2017 07:50

Every culture has games, for fun and leisure and sometimes for training or historical/ceremonial purposes. My question is does anyone know of any games specific to the mando'ade?

I'm not talking about sabacc or holochess. Games specific to our culture.

If not, maybe we could make one up?
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Mando'ade Games

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 06 Mar 2017 16:15

What, like get'shuk (spess rugby) cu'bikad (spess stabby chess) and meshgeroya (spess violent soccer YES IT'S CALLED SOCCER FIGHT ME)?

All Mandalorian games, far as I can tell...
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Re: Mando'ade Games

Unread post by Mittramikad » 06 Mar 2017 19:20

Thanks bro I guess I didn't look hard enough lol 8D
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Re: Mando'ade Games

Unread post by Aarlaya » 06 Mar 2017 20:39

Well, games like tag, hide and seek, and jumping games such as hopscotch or jumprope are found all over the world. It's pretty likely that Mando'ade'ika (can you keep mashing words together in Mando'a?) would play these things. Boxing, drinking games, darts (I think this was mentioned in one of the books) and strategy games ("spess stabby chess, as Vlet so elegantly put it), would likely be common with adults
Because I'm relentless in my determination to bring as many Maori elements into this culture as possible, here are some specific games that I could see being played on Manda'yaim:
-Tī Rākua: stick games. There are a bunch of variantions, but the core point is throwing sticks back and forth, in a circle or in lines, catching them, and throwing them back. This trains reflexes and teamwork. I've seen it in person and it's very impressive.
-Whai: these are string games where a person tries to make the best design. A lot of it involes lore and history.
-Poi Toa: Poi are balls on the end of a string. They can be used in dancing or games and help train strength and flexibility in the wrist.
-Kite: Each player has a rattle and is blindfolded; it's similar to marco polo.

A lot of games involved chants, rhymes, or songs that went along with the movements, which I would think is pretty consistent with the Mando ideal. There are a couple boardgames too, but I don't think I could explain them.

Sources: ... nga-takaro
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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Mando'ade Games

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 06 Mar 2017 22:06

Can we keep mashing words together? Well, good luck stopping me
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Belandrie Meave
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Re: Mando'ade Games

Unread post by Belandrie Meave » 07 Mar 2017 01:45

I'm absolutely on board with Aarlaya's idea of pulling in Maori-culture games - ayyyyy Tem Morrison!
Ti Rakua - some are analogous to clapping games, yes, literally chucking sticks at each other in specific patterns. There's one that takes a stack of long poles and a lot of people, which is good for reflexes and running speed: stand in a circle, each person holds a stick upright on ground, at a signal from the leader, all move one - or two - spaces left or right. If you don't make it to the next stick before it falls, you're out. Usually devolves into 'bash people with sticks' especially if you're playing with a bunch of teenage boys. It has nothing to do with teamwork, and everything to do with trying to anticipate the signal and jump before the person before you has let go of their stick!
And yes, we can keep mashing words together ad infinitum. I personally usually cut bits out so I don't end up with things similar to the German 'Bundesrepublikgeschichtehaus' which we are rather in danger of.
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Mirjahaal Choruk
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Re: Mando'ade Games

Unread post by Mirjahaal Choruk » 07 Dec 2020 10:58

Many cultures have some form of game to reflect tactical prowess. Go and chess pop in my head, adapting either of those would be easy.

Being military, we would have skill games to kill time and require few objects to play. Like mumblety peg (a pocket knife throwing game), or a variation on marbles where they are made of beskar and you have to successfully shoot them out of the circle with trick shots from a blaster or wrist gun.

And since we have strong clan ties, I'm sure we would have a full-contact sport like rugby everyone would tram up and follow as well as an Olympics focused on individual sports of finesse and skill like vehicular piloting, marksmanship, sword and knife sparing, and good ol' wrestling!

But regardless, they would all promote competition, have an honorable victory, and have a distinct mandalorian flare. I'm excited to see what everyone else comes up with.


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