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Drala Kad
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Drala Kad » 03 Feb 2024 22:10

Su'cuy, everyone! I don't know a whole lot about Mandalorian culture (haven't even memorized the six tenets -- good thing I'm not in a real Mandalorian clan, or I'm pretty sure I would have been shot by now) but I do love the language, especially the song Vode An. I'd love to help flesh out Mando'a as a useful language -- or encrypt code, if that's how you choose to see it. I've learned (and forgotten) some Spanish and grew up reading The Lord of the Rings, so I do have a little background to draw on as far as language mechanics goes.
I chose my name, Drala Kad, from "drala" -- bright, strong, powerful -- and "kad"-- sword -- because I believe truth is a powerful weapon and I wish to speak it in the most fitting words possible. And in days when truth is often seen as fluid and shifting, the strong, terse words of the Mando'ade may serve to highlight the unyielding force of truth. Laugh at me if you like. Shakir bal gayiylir. Ret'urcye mhi, verde!

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 04 Feb 2024 20:39

Olarom! Looks like you're already off to a better start than you're giving yourself credit for!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Augest Kayd
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 15 Feb 2024 17:14

Drala Kad wrote:
03 Feb 2024 22:10
Su'cuy, everyone! I don't know a whole lot about Mandalorian culture (haven't even memorized the six tenets -- good thing I'm not in a real Mandalorian clan, or I'm pretty sure I would have been shot by now) but I do love the language, especially the song Vode An. I'd love to help flesh out Mando'a as a useful language -- or encrypt code, if that's how you choose to see it. I've learned (and forgotten) some Spanish and grew up reading The Lord of the Rings, so I do have a little background to draw on as far as language mechanics goes.
I chose my name, Drala Kad, from "drala" -- bright, strong, powerful -- and "kad"-- sword -- because I believe truth is a powerful weapon and I wish to speak it in the most fitting words possible. And in days when truth is often seen as fluid and shifting, the strong, terse words of the Mando'ade may serve to highlight the unyielding force of truth. Laugh at me if you like. Shakir bal gayiylir. Ret'urcye mhi, verde!
Welcome. Your voice is a great addition to our discourse.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by ParjaiTracyn » 19 Feb 2024 19:57

Drala Kad wrote:
03 Feb 2024 22:10
Su'cuy, everyone!
To echo Vlet: you're off to a good start! Having done research into Mandalorians both in-universe and on Earth, not knowing the Resol'nare rhyme would be low on the list of reasons to get shot. In-universe, where the only ways to become a Mandalorian are to be adopted by or born to someone who already is a Mandalorian, you'd be taught by your buir and other vode in your aliit what the Resol'nare means until you learn it. On Earth, where the primary way to become a Mandalorian is by simply slapping the label on one's self with no heed to what others think, it's quite normal to not to even know what the Resol'nare is. Lone Mandalorians are much more common than ones in clans.

Before you decide to suggest new words, I highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the base dictionary by creating sentences using only what's available (to see the limits and flow of the language, and to get an idea of what currently can and cannot be expressed) and by sorting the words that are there so that you can see the patterns in them. If you have the patience, reading the posts on this forum will also prove insightful. Traviss was extremely sloppy in what was left to us, so relationships between various words are sometimes hotly debated.

So that you can see what others have already done, here are three searchable dictionaries that each take a different approach to expanding the original wordlist.

https://mandocreator.com/tools/dictionary.html — this site grew out of and is now separate from the Oyu'baat, one of a few Discord servers you'll see mentioned on this site. It has a different design philosophy for words than that of Tal'jair, though some words were adopted from Tal'jair's lists.

http://mandoa.ru/ — this is site is maintained by Tal'jair and team (which I think includes Vlet?), the same Tal'jair from the early days of this site. I'm not entirely sure which public Discord server they are associated with; I only know of a private one. I think this is the dictionary you use, though I couldn't find "shakir" in it (or anywhere else).

https://peltigaan.neocities.org/ — the person who maintains this site combined one of Tal'jair's lists that was left on this site with words from a couple of other fan sources. It is most interesting because of the great number of words that are not in mandoa.ru or in MandoCreator.

Of course, as you've probably found out, this post is where a lot of new words that were formed in these forums go (but not all of them end up here!):
https://forums.mandoa.org/viewtopic.php ... f8a67810ad

Vercopa jate'kara! I wish good stars for you!

Augest Kayd
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 12 Mar 2024 16:13

Wow, that's a nice introduction. Vlet, want to confirm your association with the Tal'jair Mandoa.ru team?
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 13 Mar 2024 03:14

I don't do anything official there, I'm on his discord and we occasionally talk but I have no hand in the site or anything.
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Augest Kayd
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 13 Mar 2024 06:30

Heard it here first, folks.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

Solus Jahaili'ad
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Solus Jahaili'ad » 05 May 2024 15:28

Su'cuy, anade! I've been casually looking at Mando'a for about a year now, but have been hesitant to interact with the community at large until now. (Most of my Mando'a knowledge is scrapped together from various resources and so feels kinda scavenger-ish.) I don't think I'll be very active except for the occasional question or two, but who knows? Life is a journey of learning--perhaps our paths will cross haha. Meg ni nu'kar'tayli, ven'hibira. (What I don't know, I will learn.)

Vor entye par miit'haa'tayli, bal k'gana jate'tuur! (Thank you for reading, and have a good day!)

--Solus Jahaili'ad (my attempted translation of "Lone Watcher")

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 06 May 2024 02:45

Olarom! Looks like you're already doing pretty well!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by SaviinNaas » 13 Jun 2024 04:56

su'cuy anade! I'm a lifelong Mandalorian fan and linguistics enthusiast, kind of fell off the Mando side a few years back but I recently learned that Mando'a exists as a functional conlang and its sucking me right back into the thick of it. I'm a native English speaker and I study Spanish casually, so those are my current language bona fides, and I'm starting a degree in linguistics this coming fall.

ori'vor'e par gar ca'nara! ne pare baj'hibir!

Saviin Naas

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 13 Jun 2024 06:57

Olarom! Jate gar ti Mando'ade tug'yc!
Shi adate kotep luubid...

Augest Kayd
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Augest Kayd » 13 Jun 2024 14:56

A proper linguistics student? Welcome. It'll be much interesting to have you here.
Trikar’la’kar'taylir cuy or'dinii’geroya, bal ni’cuy di'kut be laamyne siver.

someone whose bored
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by someone whose bored » 25 Aug 2024 02:02

I'm now laughing at myself as I put no effort into my username and I now see nearly everyone else did.
No idea how active you'll actually see me, I might just end up being a ghost here.
Glad this website and this forum exist though.

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Vlet Hansen
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 25 Aug 2024 03:07

Olarom! I wouldn't worry about the name, we're hardly a bastion of formality
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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