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Roly Yuva
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Roly Yuva » 26 Apr 2022 03:16

Actually, I looked back into the dictionary and it said "su cuy'gar" translates to "You're still alive." "Gar" means "you" and there doesn't seem to be any copula (the verb "to be") in Mando'a, so "gar" covers the "you're" part. "Su" means "still", and words like "cuyan" (survivor) and "cuyanir" (to survive) relate to survival. That still doesn't explain why the "cuy" is combined with the "gar" though...
Su cuy'gar, ner vode!

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 29 Apr 2022 02:48

Cuyir actuallt is "to be" in itself. Cuy doesn't mean "alive" (which would draw the root from oy), it only means "are"
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Mocking Japes
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Mocking Japes » 07 May 2022 19:21


I stumbled onto this place researching mando'a for a character I am running in a P&P RPG. I thought "Oh it's probably just a random set of words that authors over the years stuck in books so I list a couple down and I am done."

So was I wrong, mostly? So here I am, to learn stuff. I hope anyway. I'll try not to be the biggest bother in the world, though there are so many questions festering about in my mind after trying to translate a couple of things in a reasonable way.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 08 May 2022 02:59

Don't worry about being a bother, that's what we're here for!
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Inconsistent » 23 May 2022 22:13

Hi, I'm Inconsistent and came here to learn Mando'a over my break, I hope to be a polite and courteous learner and apologize if I do anything wrong. I'm a huge stranger to the mechanics of this site and am not even sure if I'm doing this right, but I hope to change that very soon.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by waterloggedowl » 24 May 2022 22:24

Su cuy'gar! I'm Owl - a writer and crafter with a few things in the works that will most likely involve using mando'a. I figured if I was going to try using mando'a in my stories, it would be a good idea to have a community to bounce grammar choices off of when I can't piece something together. I look forward to chatting with you - 'ret!

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by pel'tigaan » 27 May 2022 02:30


I've been interesting in Mando'a for a couple of years now and thought I should finally try to involve myself in the community by making an account here. I've been trying to make a collection of as many fanon words as I can and fill in the gaps in the dictionary.

So, if anyone has any words that they've come up with or wants to help come up with more, please feel free to message me!

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 27 May 2022 03:26

Su'cuy, an! Pel
tigaan, check out Tal'jair's work here, he's summarized it in a PDF.
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Tra'nau » 22 Jun 2022 18:42

Su’cuy anade!

I’ve been learning Mando’a for about a year and a half now, following an interest in linguistics and a sense of belonging I’ve found in the culture. Now, I finally made an account here! I couldn’t be more excited to have a resource like this, as well as a community of other like-minded people. Ever since I got a decent grip on the language, I’ve been trying to translate pre-existing work as practice - songs, mostly - so I may end up posting those somewhere around here in hopes of getting feedback. For the past couple of months, I’ve been trying to teach a couple of friends Mando’a, too, so any suggestions on that are also appreciated. Ori’vor’e for everything everyone’s put out here already, and just for giving me a place to nerd out about linguistics and the mando way at the same time.



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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 23 Jun 2022 04:33

Olarom! I look forward to seeing your translations!
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Nikki Moonlight
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Nikki Moonlight » 27 Jun 2022 07:18

Hi, I'm Nikki and I decided to learn Mando'a in a split second decision. Very much a beginner, but hope to learn a lot here.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 28 Jun 2022 02:29

Olarom, and best of luck on your endeavor! Don't hesitate to ask if you want help!
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by sunset » 10 Jul 2022 06:05

su'cuy anade, ni olaro olar bah vercopa’la jate’shya jorhaa'i joha. meh gar haa’talyi dar’serime ke kar’tayli!!

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 12 Jul 2022 02:52

Olarom! Gar jorhaa'i jate!

You're already working at a good level.=! You're handing things like conjugation pretty well, and can make yourself understood.

The two things I'd change are use nu' instead of dar' (dar is specifically "no longer" instead of just "not"), and I'd replace kar'tayli with sirbu (ni) to make your expectations clearer.

Mhi briikase ganar gar olar, bal vercopaani mhi an hibira Mando'a jate'shya!
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Walpurgis » 25 Jul 2022 21:53

I'm interested in speaking/singing in Mando'a. Ive had an interest in conlangs for a long time, but this is the first time I've been interested in the culture (Diagetic and non-diagetic) that goes with a conlang to want to learn it. I only know what the clone wars show, fanfiction, and some mando'a enthusiast friends have told me though, so some of my knowledge is suspect at best. Hopefully I can clear up any mistaken beliefs as I learn the language.


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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 26 Jul 2022 04:22

Olarom! Always fun to discuss the culture in addition to the language!
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by aegontheegg » 09 Aug 2022 06:32

Su'cuy! I'm interested in learning as much of Mando'a my brain can absorb, hehehe! I was introduced to Mandalore, Mandalorians, Mando'a, etc, by one of my partners, and I would love to surprise (and impress) them with my ability to speak it slightly well? We'll see how it goes, though.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 10 Aug 2022 02:09

Welcome! Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be able to pick up the basics faster than you think! Only a very small handful of people really get into it enough to even criticize, anyway
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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by JustAnotherVod97 » 11 Aug 2022 21:05

Su'cuy, adate!

I'm here to learn Mando'a due to a fanfiction I am writing. I fell in love with the language at first sight and I want to become as fluent as I can. I became interested in the idea of the clones speaking Mando'a, but eventually it moved beyond that into a full fledged desire to learn a bit every day. I have already started studying on other sites and using youtube to find resources, but I need people to practice with, hence why I joined :). I find it similar to having learnt other languages, with derivative words, verb conjugation, and different tenses, a bit like Spanish, in all honesty. Eventually, I hope to move into a proficient level with it to use everyday.

Maybe I can get other people learning with me, possibly my partners :D.

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Re: Welcome to Learn Mando'a! (Post Here to Introduce Yourself)

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 12 Aug 2022 02:25


Practice is always the tricky part, hard to get people to sit around for it most of the time. If you need someone to practice with, I try to stay available for it!
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