List of Custom Words

All discussion regarding new words should go here.
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Meshurok » 28 Nov 2019 00:25

alii'gal'kurshi - flag pole
dawoor'shebbas - skunk (stink + butt + animal)
demagaanur - sculpting tool
demakal - carving knife
demasal - carving, sculpture
demasal'ad - carver, sculpter (Maybe demasalka. demagolka - monster, but is carver [dema] of flesh [agol].)
jora'trat - politician (voice + represent)
nekebi'kurshi - post, pole (fake + tree)
Oyula'jora'trat - Senator
sen'kov - bow (of a ship)
sen'kurshi - mast
sen'sheb - stern
sen'or - amidships
urman'kebi - idol
Last edited by Meshurok on 29 Nov 2019 21:13, edited 1 time in total.

Tal’jair Rusk
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 28 Nov 2019 07:52

Probably need to specify that the “bow” as in part of a ship, not a shooting bow.
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Meshurok » 29 Nov 2019 21:13

Taljair te Mir'ad wrote:
28 Nov 2019 07:52
Probably need to specify that the “bow” as in part of a ship, not a shooting bow.
I edited it. Better?

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Meshurok » 29 Nov 2019 21:28

shebrik'kov - tail-head (insult)
tracyn'purgaat - extremely hot pepper
vheh'gett - peanut (earth + nut)
vhet'sen'yam - chicken coop (farm + dovecote)
yam'vhet'senar - chicken-like bird (yard + bird)

I've also been trying to figure out the Mando'a spelling/pronounciation of planet names. So far I have:

Naabu - Naboo
Tatuiin - Tatooine
Ya'ven - Yavin

Alderaan is pretty much the same.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Meshurok » 30 Dec 2019 07:19

edee'gi - shark
kih'edee'gi - piranha
munit'videk - long-neck (insult)
gi'kov - fish-head(insult)
vod'tsad - brotherhood, sisterhood, etc.
bavar'ulik - warhorse
parj'range - pyrrhic victory (win + ashes)

Ka'buir had the word aiki'yc - desparate, which hasn't been expanded upon yet, so...

aikir - despair
aiki - desparation
aikila - despairing

I originally had resol'cunak - cube, die, but something one of my friends said made me think of a different and I think better work for dice.

solchurok - die (number + rock)
resol'cunak - cube

My family watches Vikings and Torvi has always sounded like a good Mando name.Turns out it's very Mando.

Torvi - Our Justice (name)

Okay, here is where I go really crazy. I needed a mando'a word for dragon. There is already a word in an in universe language that means dragon (krayt), but it's in huttese. I really don't think that mando'a would have a lot of huttese loanwords, but then I found these two words:

kranak - fortified settlement surrounded by water
payt - left

These tell me that the proper pronounciation is possible in mando'a. So what if krayt is the Star Wars version of ananas?
You know, most languages in the galaxy "krayt" (ananas), Galactic Basic "dragon" (pineapple).

krayt - dragon

Ananas also sounded mando'a to me and stepping outside of the English phrase all but, meaning everything except, because mando'a is not English and doesn't need to follow all the English rules, you can get an abbreviated phrase of "giving it all, but getting nothing in return" otherwise known as a stalemate.

an'a'naas - stalemate, "alack!" (all + but + nothing)

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Meshurok » 03 Feb 2020 17:39

Oyula'a - Galactic Basic

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Cin Vhetin » 14 Jul 2020 10:29

I was looking for a translation for "Thus" or "Therefore", something to do reasoning, but I couldn't find one. There are however the words jorcu (because) and jorbe (reason), as well as ibic (this). Hence, I suggest:

jorbic - thus, therefore, hence. Lit.: for this reason
Tra'cyar mav!

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Soraya » 17 May 2021 11:33

Alright vode, behold an (almost) ultimate list of Mando'a and Fando'a (aka fan-made) words. I've been working on it for a couple days now since I have nothing better to do (actually I do, but you didn't hear that from me). Like, 99.9% of the credit goes to Tal'buir -- this was originally his Excel document, I've just expanded upon it -- and the rest of your guys' contributions to Fando'a. Anyways, like in Tal'buir's original doc, you'll find the KT-canon terms and the Fando'a from these forums + all the other sheets he had in there. However, some there are some NEW additions:
  • Words from the forum that didn't make it into Tal'buir's last update (yes, I crawled through the entirety of the "Custom Words" and "Words i accumulated or invented so far" threads, copy-pasting all that I found and comparing the words to what was already in the doc to see what had been left out)
  • Words invented by the Tumblr side of the Mando'a fandom + links to the original posts explaining the creators' thought processes (which I have found incredibly enlightening, for lack of a better word).
Obviously it's a very big, very ongoing project (I still have a couple hundred words to go) and I have no doubt there will be some issues -- the "Written" column is one big mess, that I know for sure. At this point though, I'm focusing mainly on "compiling" -- the editing will have to come later. But nevertheless, know that I do plan to go through and critique the words I've got issues with (I have an ongoing list; rest assured I'm not falling prey to arasuum and blindly accepting every single word listed). But anyways, yeah, have at it!
Expanded Mando'a and Fando'a
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Shi haar solu'yc shaadla mav

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Tal’jair Rusk » 08 Jun 2021 09:19

Do i know you? Cause not many people call me Tal’buir)
Tal'jair Rusk
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by JustWriter » 03 Aug 2021 12:18

A popular tag on AO3 is "soulmarks" in which the protagonist searches their world or universe for a person with a matching or complementary mark (sometimes even a timer).

If mando'ade had such marks, I surmise that good replacement terms could be:
• Mandokar'tome (Mandalorian for soulmate - literally: manda: soul/spirit + kar: heart + tome: joined together; pronounced: MAN-doh-KAR TOH-may)
• Mand'aliik (Mandalorian for soulmark - literally manda: soul/spirit + aliik: sigil; pronounced: MAN-dah-LEEK)

In one fic I read someone use "ruuni" for soulmate, but it just didn't jive for me if it's supposed to be some sort of mystical connection, rather than for poetry. That's why I suggested using Manda and Mandokar. Should I use "to" or "tolase" instead of "tome"? Mandokar'tolase? Mando'tokar? To'mandokar? Mandokar'toyc?

I'm a bit iffy on using "aliik" in soulmark because it seems like a clan symbol, rather than another type of image, sounding much like "aliit." A soulmark is usually written in fiction as a symbol that represents them both or the other individual. I've only read one story wherein a mark was of the other's House and that was a Game of Thrones tale. In most stories the marks aren't symbols of their ancient houses.

Unfortunately, there aren't words for mark, sketch, draw (the one in the dictionary is for locomoting water), colors (this one is more like a flag in the context of the definition; i.e. "Hoist the colors!"), shape, art, paint, et cetera. (Did Sabine Wren on Rebels ever refer to her or her father's art in Mando'a? I remember she said something about his art being his weapon.)

Maybe I could use the word for skin? Maybe "soul skin"? Manda'gam? Manda'pelgam? Mand'pelgam? Kar'pelgam for "heart soft skin?"

What do you all think?

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 06 Aug 2021 04:24

I feel like runi is still functional for mystical purposes, not just poetic, but that might just be personal preference. Mand'aliik does sound pretty good, though.

While I do agree that aliik and aliit seem to have the same root, I don't think that needs to limit the use of the term. It's presented fairly generally, and I think it can functionally mean "distinguishing mark".

Miit'gaanar is the term for handwriting, and since we see this comes from "word-hand" as the concept, I think we can extend this to aliik'gaanar, or something similar for mark or draw, but I'm open to suggestions.

Alii'gai is colors in the sense of a flag or banner, but sal is the word for a color as in the shade you see with your eyes. If we wanted to turn that into a verb, I'd suggest salar?

As for soulmate, your idea is good. I could get really wacky and suggest something like cyaruni, but I don't know how much support that would get >.>
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by JustWriter » 07 Aug 2021 15:40

O.O :o :yay:
Your "cyaruuni" is so beautifully precious! :congrats:

I would think there's room for more than one term for a thing; there are different Mandalorian dialects. If not, it could work as a term of affection for soulmate, rather than the main "official term."

Ruun'iliik [ROON-ee-LEEK] or ruuna'liik [ROON-ah-LEEK] are further terms for consideration for soulmark. I'm glad you enjoy mand'aliik.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Traciny'ika » 09 Dec 2021 20:35

RE: Salvo Mereel's question about the word sun (from 9 years ago...)

"Sun" is a relational concept, as in all suns are stars but not all stars are suns. A star is only a sun to the planet that orbits it. So perhaps suns are "Ka'ra" (or "kar" given the significance of Ka'ra)? Or more specifically "(planet name)'kar" to describe the relation between a planet and its sun/star?

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 10 Dec 2021 04:05

I think those are sensible. Mho'kar, being another option I saw somewhere, also seems to work, coming from mhor and kar. Good for yaim'la kebise
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Traciny'ika » 10 Dec 2021 06:23

Oh, I like the use of Mhor, for mho'kar, but that feels again planetary specific, right? Like that only works when talking about the specific planet you're occupying?
Like, if I wanted to talk about the Tatooine's suns, while on another planet, saying mhor'kar wouldn't necessarily work. Instead it'd be Tatuiin'kare, right?
Which maybe doesn't get to the point of the original question, which may have been how would you say sun if you wanted to use it comparatively? Like "he was like the sun"?
Also, it begs the question is there a name for the sun that Mandalore orbits?

Edit: yes, Mhor is good for yaim'la kebise - sorry, still working on vocab 😬

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 10 Dec 2021 19:26

The only star listed is called "Mandalore" as well, but I don't like it.

Maybe we need to figure out our own name, hm? But what would we want it to be?
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Outis Hawkwind » 11 Dec 2021 03:58

In the Combine galaxy, the yellow sun that supports the Mandalore system is called "Trnar" and I have absolutely no idea why.
My research indicates no instance of that name appearing anywhere in canon or Expanded Universe lore. In fact, Google tries to auto-correct this name to "trainer", which is annoying.
The galaxy was crafted by volunteers, who frequently make mistakes. Trnar could be the result of a misunderstanding or even a simple typo. Sometimes it is possible to convince a member of the galaxy team to rename an object although I have no convincing case to present. I need an alternative that could be supported by lore.

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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 12 Dec 2021 02:51

Trnar doesn't really sound very Mando'a to me. It rarely mashes that many consonants together.

Maybe something starting from tracyn is a good start? Then again, tra is already showing up in words for sky, so it might get confusing or repetitive. Or maybe it opens up poetic chances! Who knows!
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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Outis Hawkwind » 13 Dec 2021 06:38

Exploring the available concepts I find many single words that might contribute to the description of the sun:

petir = center
nau - light
tranyc - sunny
hettir - burn
tracyn - fire
tracinya - flame
kar'ta - heart
yaim - home
kar - star
tolase - system

This gives us room to build in many directions.

Kar'tolas (heart of the system)
Tracyaim (home fire)
Kar'ttir (burning heart)

I'll stop butchering Mando'a there and let someone else try building a few. :lol:

But perhaps it would just be called Peti'baar, being described as the center of mass, the same way outsiders might call it Mandalore Prime.

Regarding the origin of Trnar, Ondoron of the QA/Quest team managed to find a D6 RPG source that may not be an actual product, but possibly fanfic. Behold:


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Re: List of Custom Words

Unread post by Vlet Hansen » 14 Dec 2021 02:36

Oh yeah, that's 100% fanfic. Doesn't match the actual lore even slightly.

I kinda like kar'tolase, actually. Still, it feels a bit "impersonal" for describing a sun if you want it to be more poetic.
Shi adate kotep luubid...

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